Monday, November 15, 2004

Greensboro Massacre

O.K. What's the point here?? It's been 25 years. Can't we get on with our lives now or are you going to go back and try to change the past? Can't do that. So why the hell even bring it up?

Funny how in the article the group is referred to as the "Workers Viewpoint Organization" when every article I have ever read on the Greensboro Massacre has called them the "Communist Workers Party." Sounds like a little selective editing, or is there something I don't know?

And just what is the goal of the Truth & Reconciliation Comission? All I've heard from the powers that be in Greensboro is how they want the races to come together, to work together, to live together. It seems to me like all they are trying to do by bringing this crap up 25 years later is trying to drive more wedges between us.

Go Figure.

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