Wednesday, November 03, 2004

It's All Over. Or is It?

November 3. It's all over and Bush has apparently won the election although it hasn't been called yet. Seems Ohio is going to be our Florida this year. Bush has a 135,000 vote lead in Ohio but there is some question over provisional ballots that have been cast. If the margin of victory is greater than the provisional votes cast, there is no problem. If not they could possibly sway the state to Kerry but that is a long shot for them. In the campaign they said they would make sure that all the votes were counted, so they may drag it out for another 10 days until all the provisional ballots are counted, and further embarrass themselves. I hope not.
Bush won the popular vote by 3 1/2 million votes over Kerry and also became the first Presidential candidate to to win the presidency and the popular vote since 1988. No small feat.
So hopefully everything will be over this afternoon. Kerry will have conceded, and we can get on with our lives.


Almost forgot.

Bye. Bye. Tom Daschle!

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