Monday, January 17, 2005

The Nerve of Some People

Went over to the "budz" house Sunday to watch the football games, just like I have been doing all season.

He's got a nice playroom where we can set up three TV's. Two to watch the two network games, plus one to watch the game on satellite with the season pass package he's got. All this and we can shoot pool and drink beer too!! It's a hard life but somebody's gotta do it.

I get there before the rest of the crowd and go to the fridge to grab a beer, open the door, and my jaw hits the floor. In the fridge, staring back at me, are about three cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon and Milwaukee's Best. Now all this coming from a man who has been supplying the "boys" with Budweiser and Michelob the whole season.

First thing that hits my mind is this is a not so subtle reminder that "I'm tired of buying the beer". But hey we've offered and you've always declined so I don't know why you've got a bug up your ass and I know you're going to read this. So tell me, "What's the problem?"

You've always had the pleasure of our company (since your wife won't let you go out with us), and you've always made money when we come over (off the pool games and our lousy football bets) so the least you could do is buy some good beer. Hell, I even heard you comment that you furnished your new daughters nursery off my bad bets and bad pool playing.

But that's all right. I drank your beer.

Tell you what though.

I'm buying the beer next Sunday and for the Super Bowl.

Cause I soaked your ass for $165.00 Sunday didn't I???????????

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