Sunday, February 13, 2005

Deja Vu

St. James II is in the news again and is looking just like another Project Homestead.

Late audits turned in, payments with no invoices to back them up, no oversight by the leaders in Greensboro of the taxpayer money doled out, and an African American leader crying "racism".

What, you think that because you're African American you have unlimited, unchecked access to the taxpayer funds of the City of Greensboro to do with as you wish?

Would you be considered a "racist" if you asked your bank for a audit of funds you deposited into your business checking account every week? How about the grocery store, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Lowes, and every where else you shop. Do you not check the receipt to make sure you were charged correctly? Is that "racist"?

Same with the taxpayers. We have a RIGHT to know where our money is spent and that it is spent properly.

It seems funny to me, as with the Project Homestead fiasco, anyone with any knowledge as to what went on doesn't want to talk.

Sarah and Donald Graham just want to move forward. Carolyn Tarpley hung up the phone. Why?

All Skip can say is everything was fine when I left.

So what happened?? If the city really wanted this to fail, as Sarah Graham alleges, all they had to do is NOT give you the $1 million. It would have surely failed then and would have saved the taxpayers $1.4 million.

It looks like it's time for the City of Greensboro and the taxpayers to get out of the business of low income housing.

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